

The Relic Museum

by Howie Good


The line is long and barely moving. Rumors begin to circulate as to why. Somebody says it's a spinster stuck in the attic; somebody else, old computers in India. I'm glad I brought an orange.


We're greeted at the entrance by a doll's head. Her dark and sparkling eyes seem to follow me as I wander about the room in search of everything.


A map on the wall suggests our possible whereabouts. I feel the need to repent, though not quite sure for what. In a corner a nickelodeon presents a slow-creeping blue creation. It might be the first time that dancers rose on their toes.


The air in the room has been used up. It's been replaced by tears. An attendant hurries to assure us that it's OK. Of course, it's not.

BIO: Howie Good, a journalism professor at SUNY New Paltz, is the author of five poetry collections, most recently Dreaming in Red from Right Hand Pointing and Cryptic Endearments from Knives Forks & Spoons Press. He has four chapbooks forthcoming: Elephant Gun from Dog on a Chain Press, The Death of Me from Pig Ear Press, Living Is the Spin Cycle from Red Bird Chapbooks, and Strange Roads from Puddle of Sky Press.